In a few minutes, you will receive a message containing the link allowing you to discover our Auction Sale Catalog, which contains many lots of Grands Crus Classés, which will be put up for sale, for the benefit of Ukraine, by the Foundation of Lions Clubs International. If you don't receive this message, look in your spam or junk mail to see if your link is there. Otherwise send us a message to : elixirs80 at
from 16 to 23 July 2022
Sale exclusively OnLine :
Charity auction for the benefit of Ukraine of wines & spirits, Grands Crus Classés, organized by the Lions Club of France in partnership with : the Merchant Ballande & Meneret.
You will receive the link to discover in preview the catalog of the lots, that are offered for sale.
You will be able to discover videos on the Châteaux which offer their Grands Crus Classés ...
From July 16, every day, you will receive VIP links to be able to participate in this auction of exceptional wines.
COMMENT accéder : - au catalogue des lots - à la Vente Online
Vous allez recevoir par mail les liens pour accéder : au catalogue des lots en ligne, aux vidéos sur les Châteaux qui proposent leurs grands Crus Classés, ainsi qu'un accès VIP pour la vente aux enchères dès le 18 Juillet 2022, et les jours suivants.
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